First Presbyterian Child Development Program (PCDP) is a preschool in Columbus, Mississippi offering curriculum-based half-day classes. The Presbyterian Child Development Program is a mission of First Presbyterian Church. PCDP strives to provide a high-quality academic education integrated with a Christian environment of love, support, and acceptance. We envision a learning community where children develop skills necessary to construct their own knowledge and prepare them for their next school environment. Each child at PCDP is celebrated as a unique creation of God. Therefore, we attempt to individualize instruction according to the needs and skills of each student. We strive to do this in an atmosphere of love and understanding. PCDP welcomes and celebrates children and families of all ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
Our Core Values & Beliefs
We believe developmentally appropriate early childhood experiences foster wonder and a life-long love for learning.
We believe that through inquiry and shared experiences children build upon their existing knowledge.
We believe the classroom environment provides authentic learning opportunities through creativity and purposeful play.
We believe an inclusive environment that embraces individuality promotes children’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual growth and development.
We believe that validating children’s feelings builds self-esteem and mutual respect among students and teachers.
We believe a warm and accepting approach to teaching encourages children to express themselves freely and make appropriate choices.
We believe an intimate, expertly- guided, small- group atmosphere provides the best early out-of-home setting to develop socialization skills.
We believe that a partnership with parents is essential to the learning and overall success of our children and the school.
We believe that teaching children to care for their surroundings and people with whom they interact enables them to be good stewards of their resources and compassionate to those around them.
We believe each person is loved by God and has worth and dignity.
We believe that through weekly chapel, prayer, and adult modeling children find responsibility and empathy for our world.
We believe in embracing children of varied faiths while celebrating Christian traditions.